Список видів роду гебелома

Список видів роду гебелома:

Список, який станом на 10.10.2019 містить 356 визнаних видів роду гебелома (Hebeloma), складений на основі даних сайту «Species Fungorum»[1].

Визнані види


  • Hebeloma aanenii Beker, Vesterh. & U.Eberh., 2015
  • Hebeloma aberrans Singer, 1949
  • Hebeloma aeruginosum Murrill, 1917
  • Hebeloma aestivale J.H.Petersen & Vesterh., 1990
  • Hebeloma affine A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma agglutinatum A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma aggregatum A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma alabamense Murrill, 1917
  • Hebeloma alachuanum Murrill, 1942
  • Hebeloma albidulum Peck, 1900
  • Hebeloma albipes Herp., 1912
  • Hebeloma albocolossum M.M.Moser, 1986
  • Hebeloma alboerumpens Vila, Beker & U.Eberh., 2012
  • Hebeloma albomarginatum Hesler, 1977
  • Hebeloma album Peck, 1902
  • Hebeloma alpinicola A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma alpinum (J.Favre) Bruchet, 1970
  • Hebeloma alvarense Vesterh. & Vauras, 2004
  • Hebeloma amarellum A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma aminophilum R.N.Hilton & O.K.Mill., 1987
  • Hebeloma ammophilum Bohus, 1978
  • Hebeloma angelesiense A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma angustilamellatum (Zhu L.Yang & Z.W.Ge) B.J.Rees, 2013
  • Hebeloma angustispermum A.Pearson, 1950
  • Hebeloma angustisporium Hesler, 1977
  • Hebeloma anthracophilum Maire, 1910
  • Hebeloma aprile Romagn., 1983
  • Hebeloma araneosa Burds., 1986
  • Hebeloma arenicolor (Cooke & Massee) Sacc., 1891
  • Hebeloma arenosum Burds., Macfall & M.A.Albers, 1986
  • Hebeloma argentinum Speg., 1898
  • Hebeloma asperulatum Hesler, 1977
  • Hebeloma atrifulvifolium Murrill, 1946
  • Hebeloma atrobrunneum Vesterh., 1989
  • Hebeloma aurantiellum A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma aurantioumbrinum Beker, Vesterh. & U.Eberh., 2015
  • Hebeloma australe Murrill, 1945
  • Hebeloma austroamericanum (Speg.) Sacc., 1887
  • Hebeloma avellaneum Kauffman, 1933


  • Hebeloma bakeri Earle, 1902
  • Hebeloma barrowsii A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma bellotianum (Berk.) Beker & U.Eberh., 2015
  • Hebeloma bicoloratum A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma birrus (Fr.) Gillet, 1884
  • Hebeloma boulderense A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma bruchetii Bon, 1986
  • Hebeloma brunneifolium Hesler, 1977
  • Hebeloma brunneodiscum A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma brunneomaculatum A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma bryogenes Vesterh., 1993
  • Hebeloma bryophilum Murrill, 1917
  • Hebeloma bulbaceum Herp., 1912
  • Hebeloma bulbiferum Maire, 1937
  • Hebeloma busporus E.H.L.Krause, 1928


  • Hebeloma caespitosum Velen., 1920
  • Hebeloma californicum Murrill, 1917
  • Hebeloma calyptrosporum Bruchet, 1970
  • Hebeloma candidipes Bruchet, 1970
  • Hebeloma catalaunicum Beker, U.Eberh., Grilli & Vila, 2016
  • Hebeloma caulocystidiosum Hesler, 1977
  • Hebeloma cavipes Huijsman, 1961
  • Hebeloma celatum Grilli, U.Eberh. & Beker, 2015
  • Hebeloma chapmaniae A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma chlorophyllum Speg., 1926
  • Hebeloma cinereostipes A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma cinereum Velen., 1920
  • Hebeloma circinans (Quél.) Sacc., 1891
  • Hebeloma cistophilum Maire, 1928
  • Hebeloma clavulipes Romagn., 1965
  • Hebeloma coarctatum (Cooke & Massee) Pegler, 1965
  • Hebeloma collariatum Bruchet, 1970
  • Hebeloma colossus Huijsman, 1961
  • Hebeloma colvini (Peck) Sacc., 1887
  • Hebeloma commune (Peck) Murrill, 1917
  • Hebeloma coniferarum A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma coprophilum Rick, 1907
  • Hebeloma corrugatum A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma cortinarioides E.H.L.Krause, 1928
  • Hebeloma crassipes Rick, 1961
  • Hebeloma cremeopallidum (Esteve-Rav. & Heykoop) Esteve-Rav. & Heykoop, 1997
  • Hebeloma cremeum Murrill, 1917
  • Hebeloma crustuliniforme (Bull.) Quél., 1872
  • Hebeloma cylindrosporum Romagn., 1965


  • Hebeloma discomorbidum (Peck) Peck, 1910
  • Hebeloma dissiliens A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma domardianum (Maire) Beker, U.Eberh. & Vesterh., 2005
  • Hebeloma dryophilum Murrill, 1917
  • Hebeloma dunense L.Corb. & R.Heim, 1929
  • Hebeloma duracinoides Bidaud & Fillion, 1991


  • Hebeloma earlei Murrill, 1917
  • Hebeloma eburneum Malençon, 1970
  • Hebeloma echinosporum Beker & U.Eberh., 2016
  • Hebeloma ellipsoideosporium Hesler, 1977
  • Hebeloma erebium (Huijsman) Beker & U.Eberh., 2015
  • Hebeloma erumpens Contu, 1989
  • Hebeloma evensoniae A.H.Sm. & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma excedens (Peck) Sacc., 1887
  • Hebeloma exiguifolium Murrill, 1917


  • Hebeloma farinaceum Murrill, 1917
  • Hebeloma favrei Romagn. & Quadr., 1985
  • Hebeloma felipponei Speg., 1926
  • Hebeloma felleum A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma fimicola S.Imai, 1938
  • Hebeloma flaccidum A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma flavescens Rick, 1930
  • Hebeloma flexuosipes Peck, 1911
  • Hebeloma floridanum Murrill, 1940
  • Hebeloma fragilipes Romagn., 1965
  • Hebeloma fragilius (Peck) Sacc., 1887
  • Hebeloma fragrans A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma fragrantissimum Velen., 1920
  • Hebeloma frenchii McAlpine, 1899
  • Hebeloma fuscatum Beker & U.Eberh., 2016
  • Hebeloma fuscostipes A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma fusisporum Gröger & Zschiesch., 1981


  • Hebeloma geminatum Beker, Vesterh. & U.Eberh., 2015
  • Hebeloma gigaspermum Gröger & Zschiesch., 1981
  • Hebeloma glabrescens A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma gomezii Singer, 1983
  • Hebeloma grandisporum Beker, U.Eberh. & A.Ronikier, 2015
  • Hebeloma gregarium Peck, 1897
  • Hebeloma griseocanescens A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma griseocanum A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma griseopruinatum Vesterh., Beker & U.Eberh., 2012
  • Hebeloma griseovelatum A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma griseum McAlpine, 1895


  • Hebeloma harperi Murrill, 1917
  • Hebeloma helodes J.Favre, 1948
  • Hebeloma helvolescens S.Imai, 1938
  • Hebeloma hemisphaericum Herp., 1912
  • Hebeloma herrmanniae Gröger, 1985
  • Hebeloma hesleri A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma hetieri Boud., 1917
  • Hebeloma hiemale Bres., 1892
  • Hebeloma humile Rick, 1961
  • Hebeloma humosum S.Imai, 1938
  • Hebeloma hydrocybeoides A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma hygrophilum Poumarat & Corriol, 2016


  • Hebeloma idahoense A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma ifeleletorum Kropp, 2015
  • Hebeloma igneum Rick, 1938
  • Hebeloma immutabile A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma incarnatulum A.H.Sm., 1984
  • Hebeloma indecisum A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma indicum (K.A.Thomas, Peintner, M.M.Moser & Manim.) B.J.Rees, 2013
  • Hebeloma ingratum Bruchet, 1970
  • Hebeloma insigne A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma islandicum Beker & U.Eberh., 2016


  • Hebeloma juneauense A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983


  • Hebeloma kammala Grgur., 1997
  • Hebeloma kanouseae A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma kauffmanii A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma kelloggense A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma kemptoniae A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma khogianum Bresinsky, 2001
  • Hebeloma kirtonii (Kalchbr.) McAlpine, 1895
  • Hebeloma kuehneri Bruchet, 1970


  • Hebeloma lactariolens (Clémençon & Hongo) B.J.Rees & Orlovich, 2013
  • Hebeloma lacteocoffeatum B.J.Rees, 2013
  • Hebeloma laetitiae Quadr., 1993
  • Hebeloma lamelliconfertum Cleland, 1934
  • Hebeloma laterinum (Batsch) Vesterh., 2005
  • Hebeloma lateritium Murrill, 1917
  • Hebeloma latisporum A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma leucosarx P.D.Orton, 1960
  • Hebeloma levyanum Murrill, 1946
  • Hebeloma lignicola Rick, 1938
  • Hebeloma limacinum A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma limbatum Beker, Vesterh. & U.Eberh., 2016
  • Hebeloma lindae Beker & U.Eberh., 2016
  • Hebeloma litoreum Quadr., 1993
  • Hebeloma littenii A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma longisporum Murrill, 1945
  • Hebeloma louiseae Beker, Vesterh. & U.Eberh., 2015
  • Hebeloma lubriciceps (Kauffman & A.H.Sm.) Hesler & A.H.Sm., 1984
  • Hebeloma luchuense Fukiharu & Hongo, 1995
  • Hebeloma lucidum Murrill, 1946
  • Hebeloma lundqvistii Vesterh., 1993
  • Hebeloma luteicystidiatum Beker, Vesterh. & U.Eberh., 2015
  • Hebeloma luteobrunneum A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma lutescentipes A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma luteum Murrill, 1917


  • Hebeloma mackinawense Hesler & A.H.Sm., 1984
  • Hebeloma macrosporum Velen., 1920
  • Hebeloma majale Velen., 1920
  • Hebeloma malenconii Bellù & Lanzoni, 1988
  • Hebeloma mammillatum Velen., 1939
  • Hebeloma mammosum Rick, 1930
  • Hebeloma marginatulum (J.Favre) Bruchet, 1970
  • Hebeloma maritinum A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma matritense Beker, Vesterh. & U.Eberh., 2016
  • Hebeloma mediorufum Soop, 2001
  • Hebeloma mediterraneum (A.Gennari) Contu, 2008
  • Hebeloma megacarpum A.H.Sm. ex Grilli, 2005
  • Hebeloma melleum Beker & U.Eberh., 2016
  • Hebeloma mesophaeum (Pers.) Quél., 1872
  • Hebeloma microsporum (Alessio & Nonis) Contu, 2008
  • Hebeloma minus Bruchet, 1970
  • Hebeloma miserum Rick, 1930
  • Hebeloma montanum Cleland & Cheel, 1918
  • Hebeloma moseri Singer, 1969


  • Hebeloma nanum Velen., 1939
  • Hebeloma naucorioides Rick, 1938
  • Hebeloma naufragum (Speg.) Sacc., 1891
  • Hebeloma naviculosporum Heykoop, G.Moreno & Esteve-Rav., 1992
  • Hebeloma neurophyllum G.F.Atk., 1909
  • Hebeloma nigellum Bruchet, 1970
  • Hebeloma nigricans Velen., 1920
  • Hebeloma nigromaculatum A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma nitidum Hesler, 1977
  • Hebeloma nothofagetorum B.J.Rees, 2013


  • Hebeloma obscurum A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma occidentale A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma ochraceum W.F.Chiu, 1973
  • Hebeloma ochroalbidum Bohus, 1972
  • Hebeloma octavii Velen., 1939
  • Hebeloma oculatum Bruchet, 1970
  • Hebeloma odoratum Velen., 1920
  • Hebeloma ollaliense A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma olympianum A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma oregonense A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma oreophilum Beker & U.Eberh., 2015


  • Hebeloma pallescens A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma pallidifolium Murrill, 1945
  • Hebeloma pallidoargillaceum A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma pallidolabiatum Beker & U.Eberh., 2015
  • Hebeloma pallidoluctuosum Gröger & Zschiesch., 1984
  • Hebeloma pallidomarginatum (Peck) Sacc., 1887
  • Hebeloma paludicola Murrill, 1917
  • Hebeloma pamphiliense Cittadini, Lezzi & Contu, 2008
  • Hebeloma parcivelum A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma parvicystidiatum Beker, Vesterh. & U.Eberh., 2012
  • Hebeloma parvifructum (Peck) Sacc., 1887
  • Hebeloma pascuense Peck, 1901
  • Hebeloma peckii House, 1915
  • Hebeloma perangustisporium Hesler, 1977
  • Hebeloma perexiguum Beker, Vesterh. & U.Eberh., 2015
  • Hebeloma perfarinaceum A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma perigoense A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma perpallidum M.M.Moser, 1970
  • Hebeloma perplexum A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma petrakii (Hruby) Singer, 1951
  • Hebeloma piceicola A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma pinetorum A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma pitkinense A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma platense Speg., 1898
  • Hebeloma plesiocistum Beker, U.Eberh. & Vila, 2009
  • Hebeloma polare Vesterh., 1989
  • Hebeloma politum Hesler, 1977
  • Hebeloma populinum Romagn., 1965
  • Hebeloma porphyrosporum Maire, 1931
  • Hebeloma praecaespitosum A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma praefarinaceum Murrill, 1938
  • Hebeloma praefelleum Murrill, 1945
  • Hebeloma praelatifolium A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma praeolidum A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma praeviscidum Murrill, 1946
  • Hebeloma proletaria Velen., 1920
  • Hebeloma proximum A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma psammicola Bohus, 1978
  • Hebeloma psammophilum Bon, 1980
  • Hebeloma pseudoamarescens (Kühner & Romagn.) P.Collin, 1988
  • Hebeloma pseudofastabile A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma pseudofragilipes Beker, Vesterh. & U.Eberh., 2016
  • Hebeloma pseudomesophaeum A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma pseudostrophosum A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma pubescens Beker & U.Eberh., 2016
  • Hebeloma pudica Hruby, 1930
  • Hebeloma pumiloides A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma punctatiforme Hruby, 1930
  • Hebeloma pungens A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma pusillum J.E.Lange, 1938
  • Hebeloma pyrophilum G.Moreno & M.M.Moser, 1984


  • Hebeloma quercetorum Quadr., 1993


  • Hebeloma radicosoides Sagara, Hongo & Y.Murak., 2000
  • Hebeloma radicosum (Bull.) Ricken, 1911
  • Hebeloma remyi Bruchet, 1970
  • Hebeloma repandum (Sacc.) Konrad & Maubl., 1937
  • Hebeloma riparium A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma rivulosum Hesler, 1977
  • Hebeloma rostratum Beker, Vesterh. & U.Eberh., 2016
  • Hebeloma rubrofuscum Velen., 1920


  • Hebeloma sacchariolens Quél., 1880
  • Hebeloma salicicola Beker, Vesterh. & U.Eberh., 2015
  • Hebeloma salmonense A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma sanjuanense A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma sarcophyllum (Peck) Sacc., 1887
  • Hebeloma sericipes Earle, 1902
  • Hebeloma serratum (Cleland) E.Horak, 1980
  • Hebeloma simile Kauffman, 1918
  • Hebeloma sinapizans (Paulet) Gillet, 1876
  • Hebeloma sinuosum (Fr.) Quél., 1873
  • Hebeloma smithii Quadr., 1987
  • Hebeloma sociale Peck, 1904
  • Hebeloma solheimii A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma sordescens Vesterh., 1989
  • Hebeloma sordidum Maire, 1914
  • Hebeloma spetsbergense Beker & U.Eberh., 2016
  • Hebeloma spoliatum (Fr.) Gillet, 1876
  • Hebeloma sporadicum A.H.Sm., 1938
  • Hebeloma squamulosum Velen., 1920
  • Hebeloma stanleyense A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma stenocystis J.Favre, 1960
  • Hebeloma sterlingii (Peck) Murrill, 1917
  • Hebeloma suaveolens Velen., 1920
  • Hebeloma subannulatum A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma subargillaceum A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma subaustrale Murrill, 1946
  • Hebeloma subboreale A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma subcaespitosum Bon, 1978
  • Hebeloma subcapitatum A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma subconcolor Bruchet, 1970
  • Hebeloma subfastibile Murrill, 1945
  • Hebeloma subfastible Murrill, 1945
  • Hebeloma subfastigiatum A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma subhepaticum A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma subincarnatum Murrill, 1912
  • Hebeloma sublamellatum A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma submelinoides (Kühner) Kühner, 1980
  • Hebeloma subplatense Rick, 1938
  • Hebeloma subrimosum A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma subrubescens A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma substrophosum A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma subtortum P.Karst., 1889
  • Hebeloma subumbrinum A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma subvatricosoides Murrill, 1946
  • Hebeloma subvictoriense B.J.Rees, 2013
  • Hebeloma subviolaceum A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma syrjense (P.Karst.) P.Karst., 1879


  • Hebeloma tenuifolium Romagn., 1985
  • Hebeloma theobrominum Quadr., 1987
  • Hebeloma tomoeae S.Imai, 1938
  • Hebeloma trachysporum Petch, 1925
  • Hebeloma trinidadense A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983


  • Hebeloma urbanicola A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma utahense A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983


  • Hebeloma vaccinum Romagn., 1965
  • Hebeloma vatricosoides Murrill, 1917
  • Hebeloma vatricosum (Fr.) Murrill, 1917
  • Hebeloma vejlense Vesterh., 2005
  • Hebeloma velatum (Peck) Peck, 1910
  • Hebeloma vernale Velen., 1920
  • Hebeloma versipelle (Fr.) Gillet, 1876
  • Hebeloma vesterholtii Beker & U.Eberh., 2010
  • Hebeloma victoriae (Cooke & Massee) Pegler, 1965
  • Hebeloma victoriense A.A.Holland & Pegler, 1983
  • Hebeloma vinaceogriseum A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma vinaceoumbrinum A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma vinosophyllum Hongo, 1965
  • Hebeloma virgatum Velen., 1920


  • Hebeloma weberi Murrill, 1945
  • Hebeloma wellsiae A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma wells-kemptoniae A.H.Sm., V.S.Evenson & Mitchel, 1983
  • Hebeloma westraliense Bougher, Tommerup & Malajczuk, 1991


  • Hebeloma xerophilum Rudn.-Jez., 1967


  • Hebeloma youngii B.J.Rees, 2013


  1. Список видів роду Hebeloma. Species Fungorum. Процитовано 10.10.2019.


  • Hebeloma. MycoBank. Процитовано 10.10.2019.
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