1-й армійський корпус (Велика Британія)

Див. також



  • Forty, George, British Army Handbook 1939—1945, Sutton Publishing (1998).
  • Hart, Stephen, Road To Falaise, Sutton Publishing (2004).
  • Hofschroer, Peter, 1815: The Waterloo Campaign: Wellington, his German Allies and the Battles of Ligny and Quatre Bras, London: Greenhill Books (1998) (ISBN 1-85367-304-8).
  • Official History 1914: Edmonds, Brigadier-General Sir James E., Military Operations France and Belgium, 1914, Volume I: Mons, the Retreat to the Seine, the Marne and the Aisne, August-October 1914 3rd revised edn 1933 (reprint Imperial War Museum, 1992) (ISBN 1870423569).
  • Official History 1939-40: Ellis, Major L.F., History of the Second World War, United Kingdom Military Series: The War in France and Flanders 1939—1940, London: HMSO, 1954.
  • The National Archives, WO 171/258-260, I Corps HQ War Diaries, January — December 1944.
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