
Клопідогрель (англ. clopidogrel) — метил–(+)-(S)-a-(о-хлорофеніл)-6,7-дигідротієно[3,2-с] піридин-5(4Н)-ацетатугідросульфат; лікарський антитромботичний засіб, антиагрегант. Код АТС — В01А С04.[1]

Систематична назва (IUPAC)
(+)-(S)-methyl 2-(2-chlorophenyl)-2-(6,7-dihydrothieno[3,2-c]pyridin-5(4H)-yl)acetate
Номер CAS 113665-84-2
Код ATC B01AC04
PubChem 60606
DrugBank DB00758
Хімічні дані
Мол. маса321.82 г/моль
Фармакокінетичні дані
Зв'язування 94–98%
Період напіврозпаду7–8 годин (inactive metabolite)
Виділення50% Нирки
46% Жовч
Терапевтичні застереження
Licence data


Кат. вагітності


Лег. статус

Prescription Only (S4) (AU) POM (UK) -only (US)

Використання Перорально

Фармакологічні властивості

Механізм дії зумовлений незворотним селективним антагонізмом зв'язування аденозиндифосфату (АДФ) з рецепторами тромбоцитів і блокадою АДФ-індукованого зв'язування фібріногену з комплексом глікопротеїн IIb/IIIa. Пригнічуючи агрегацію тромбоцитів, збільшує час кровотечі.[1]

Антиагрегантний ефект дозозалежно виявляється через 2 год після одноразового прийому. При систематичному прийманні препарату у добовій дозі 50 — 100 мг АДФ-індукована агрегація тромбоцитів досягає стійкої рівноваги на 3 — 7 добу, при цьому максимальне пригнічення агрегації тромбоцитів становить 40 — 60 %. Після відміни препарату агрегація тромбоцитів і час кровотечі повертаються до початкових значень приблизно через 5 — 7 діб після прийому останньої дози, що відповідає періоду життя тромбоцитів (7 — 10 діб).


При внутрішньому застосуванні швидко, але неповністю (приблизно 50 %) всмоктується із шлунково-кишкового тракту в кров. Біодоступність не залежить від приймання антацидних засобів та їжі. Являє собою проліки. Інтенсивно метаболізується у печінці, перетворюючись на активний метаболіт шляхом окиснення і подальшого гідролізу (при першому проходженні крізь печінку). Активний метаболіт тіольне похідне — в наш час[коли?] неідентифікований, тому фармакокінетичний профіль препарату визначається кінетикою його основного циркулюючого метаболіту — фармакологічно неактивного карбоксильного похідного, концентрація якого в плазмі крові — 85 % від початкової сполуки. Максимальна концентрація у плазмі крові становить приблизно 3 мг/л, час її досягнення — приблизно 1 год. Час напіввиведення — 8 год, екскретується нирками (50 %) і через кишківник (46 %).




Торгові марки

Плавікс (Санофі Вінтроп Індастріа, Франція), Зілт (KRKA, Словенія) Aclop 75 mg (G.L. Pharma, Austria), Aclotil (Bal Pharma, India), Adplatt (Grandix, India), Agranil (Medipak, Pakistan), Agregex (Actavis, Tunisia; Actavis Group, Cyprus), Agrelano (Ikapharmindo, Indonesia), Agrelax (Life, Ecuador), Agreless (Ultra, Mexico), Agreta (Farmak, Lithuania), Angiclod (Pliva, Croatia (Hrvatska); Teva Serbia, Serbia), Anplat (Suhitas, Philippines), Antiagrex (Zdravlje, Serbia), Antiban (Blue Cross, India), Antigrel (Rocnarf, Ecuador), Antiplaq (Richmond, Argentina), Apo Clopidogrel (Apotex, Lebanon), Apo-Clopidogrel (Apotex, Hong Kong; Apotex, Singapore), Aptogrel (Aurobindo, India), Arapamin (Arafarma, Spain), Arrow Clopid (Teva, New Zealand), Arrow Clopidogrel (Arrow Pharma, South Africa), Artepid (Pharos, Indonesia), As-Clodip 75 mg (Apotex, Turkey), Asogrel (AS Pharmaceutical, India), Ateplax (Roddome, Ecuador), Aterogel (Biolab Sanus Farmacêutica, Brazil), Atervix 75 mg (Biofarma, Turkey), Atrombin 75 mg (Gedeon Richter, Hungary), Attera (Amsal, Bosnia & Herzegowina), Baclan (Bayer, Turkey), Bidogrel (Balu, Greece), Bilgrel (Bilim, Vietnam), Borgavix (Borg, Egypt), Carder (Recordati, Poland), Cardogrel (Lek, Serbia; LEK farmacevtska, Macedonia), Cardutol (Apotex, Russian Federation), Carpigrel (Shrrishti HC, India), Cenoza (Aamorb, India), Ceruvin (Ranbaxy, India; Ranbaxy, Lebanon; Sun Pharma, Peru), Ceruvin 75mg (National Pharmaceutical Industries NPI, Oman), Cidogrel (KAPL, India), Class (Talent, India), Clatex (Egpi, Egypt), Clentel (Roemmers, Ecuador; Roemmers, Paraguay), Clidorel (Pyridam Farma, Indonesia),Clodelib (Delegant Holdings, Greece), Clodinarel (Savant Pharm, Argentina), Clodrel (Unichem, India), Cloflow (Standard, Taiwan), Clofre (East West, India), Clogan (Deva, Turkey), Clogin (Interbat, Indonesia), Clolyse (Akesiss, India), Clonidox (Indufar, Paraguay), Clopate (Unicure, Philippines), Clopcare (NeoCarDiabCare, India), Cloperol (Pharmactive, Turkey), Clopex Agrel (Marcyrl, Egypt), Clopi TAD (Tad Pharm, Lebanon), Clopicor (Actavis D.O.O., Serbia), Clopid (Behrens, Venezuela; Hetero, India; Pharmathen S.A., Israel; Hetero, India), Clopidep 75 mg (ExtractumPharma, Hungary), Clopidix (Hemofarm AD, Serbia), Clopido-Gran (Legrand/Tarja, Brazil), Clopidogrel (Accure Labs, Russian Federation; Amsa, Mexico; Generics Pharma, Greece; Intas, Peru; Portugal, Peru; Serral, Mexico), Clopidogrel 1A Pharma (Acino, Lithuania), Clopidogrel 75mg EMPA (EMPA, Paraguay), Clopidogrel 75mg La Sante (La Sante, Paraguay), Clopidogrel 75mg Prosalud (Prosalud, Paraguay), Clopidogrel AAA (AAA-Pharma, Germany), Clopidogrel Ababor (Ababor, Spain), Clopidogrel Accord (Accord, Lithuania; Accord Healthcare, Cyprus), Clopidogrel Acino (Acino Pharma, Poland), Clopidogrel Acino Pharma (Acino, Lithuania), Clopidogrel Actavis (Actavis Group, Iceland), Clopidogrel Amneal (Amneal Pharma, Spain), Clopidogrel Anova (Anova, Portugal), Clopidogrel Apotex (Apotex, Greece; Apotex, Lithuania; Apotex, Poland), Clopidogrel Arrow (Arrow, Lebanon), Clopidogrel Aurobindo (Aurobindo, Spain; Aurobindo, Malta), Clopidogrel Aurovitas (Aurovitas, Spain), Clopidogrel BGR (Biogaran, Lithuania; Biogaran, Poland), Clopidogrel BMS (Bristol-Myers Squibb, Lithuania), Clopidogrel Ciclum (Ciclum, Portugal), Clopidogrel Codramol (Farmalider, Spain), Clopidogrel Dallas (Dallas, Paraguay), Clopidogrel Dermogen (Dermogen, Spain), Clopidogrel Dr. Reddy's (Betapharm, Germany; Dr. Reddy's, Romania), Clopidogrel Dura (Mylan dura, Lithuania), Clopidogrel Fahrenheit (Pratapa Nirmala/Fahrenheit, Indonesia), Clopidogrel Farmalid (Farmalider, Spain), Clopidogrel Farmandina (Farmandina, Ecuador), Clopidogrel Farmoz (West Pharma, Serbia), Clopidogrel G.L. 75 mg (G.L. Pharma, Austria), Clopidogrel Generics (Generics, Poland; Mylan, Sweden), Clopidogrel Genfar (Genfar, Ecuador; Genfar, Peru; Genfar S.A., Costa Rica; Genfar S.A., Dominican Republic; Genfar S.A., El Salvador), Clopidogrel Germed (Germed, Portugal), Clopidogrel GSK (GlaxoSmithKline, Lithuania), Clopidogrel HCS (HCS bvba, Lithuania; HCS bvba, Poland), Clopidogrel Heumann (Heumann, Germany), Clopidogrel Heumann Heunet (Heunet, Germany), Clopidogrel Hexpharm (Hexpharm Jaya, Indonesia), Clopidogrel Ikapharmindo (Ikapharmindo, Indonesia), Clopidogrel Induquimica (Induquimica, Peru), Clopidogrel IWA (IWA, Lithuania), Clopidogrel Jaka (Jaka-80, Macedonia), Clopidogrel Kalbe (Kalbe, Indonesia), Clopidogrel Krka (Krka, Finland; Krka, Greece; Krka, Poland), clopidogrel La sante (La Sante, Peru), Clopidogrel La Santé (La Santé, Ecuador), Clopidogrel Lafedar (Lafedar, Argentina), Clopidogrel Macleods (Durban, Spain), Clopidogrel Medana (Medana, Lithuania), Clopidogrel MK (MK, Ecuador), Clopidogrel Mylan (Mylan, Cyprus; Mylan Products Ltd, Greece), Clopidogrel Mylan 75 mg (Mylan, Hungary), Clopidogrel NeoFarma (NeoFarma, Malta), Clopidogrel Orion (Orion, Lithuania; Orion Pharma, Finland), Clopidogrel Pfizer (Pfizer, Lithuania; Pfizer, Tunisia), Clopidogrel Pharmacia (Pharmacia Limited-GB, Italy), Clopidogrel Placasod (Sandoz España, Spain), Clopidogrel Portfarma (Portfarma, Lithuania), Clopidogrel Ranbaxy (Ranbaxy, Spain; Ranbaxy, Poland), Clopidogrel ratiopharm (Teva, Lithuania), Clopidogrel Ratiopharm (Archie Samuel, Poland; Ratiopharm, Luxembourg), Clopidogrel ratiopharm GmbH (Ratiopharm, Luxembourg), Clopidogrel Richter (Gedeon Richter, Lithuania), Clopidogrel Rospaw (Rospaw, Argentina), Clopidogrel Sandoz (Sandoz GmbH, Greece), Clopidogrel Sanoswiss (SanoSwiss, Lithuania), Clopidogrel Soho (Soho, Indonesia), Clopidogrel Stada (Stada, Malaysia; Stada, Singapore), Clopidogrel Stada 75 mg (Stada Arzneimittel, Austria), Clopidogrel TAD (TAD Pharma, Cyprus; TAD Pharma, Greece; TAD Pharma, Poland), Clopidogrel Teva (Teva, Greece; Teva Pharmaceuticals, Poland), Clopidogrel Teva 75 mg (Teva, Hungary), Clopidogrel Teva Pharma (Teva, Spain), Clopidogrel Torrent (Torrent Pharma, Lithuania), Clopidogrel Ur (Aristo, Spain), Clopidogrel Vale Pharmaceuticals (McDermott, Bulgaria; Vale, Malta), Clopidogrel Vir (Vir, Spain), Clopidogrel Wockhardt (Wockhardt, Poland), Clopidogrel Zentiva (BB Farma, Italy; Sanofi-Aventis, Italy; Sanofi-Aventis, Lithuania; Sanofi-Aventis, Poland; Sanofi-Aventis, Portugal; Winthrop, Tunisia), Clopidogrel-DRLA (Dr. Reddy's Laboratories, Australia), Clopidogrel-Humanity (Mepro, Georgia), Clopidogrel-ratiopharm (Ratiopharm, Lithuania), Clopidorex (Favorex, Hong Kong), Clopidosyn (FarmaSyn, Greece), Clopidoteg (Laboratorio Tecnoquímicas, Honduras; Laboratorio Tecnoquímicas, El Salvador), Clopidowel-75 (Akums Drug, Philippines), Clopigamma (GE Pharmaceuticals, Bulgaria; Generosan, Bulgaria; Hameln, Bulgaria; Medis International, Georgia; Wörwag, (Slovakia;), Wörwag Pharma, Germany; Wörwag Pharma, Lithuania; Wörwag Pharma, Romania), Clopigrel (Noas Farma, Uruguay; USV, India), Clopigren (Vocate, Greece), Clopilep (Lepetit, Argentina), Clopilet (Sun, India; Sun Pharma, Peru), Clopimef (Mepha Baltic Lithuania, Lithuania), Clopione (Wockhardt, India), Clopiplax (Nova Química Farmacêutica, Brazil), Clopiright (Pharmaone Biosciences Inc., Hong Kong), Clopistad (Stada-VN JV, Vietnam), Clopistal (Drog. Lipharma, Peru), Clopitab (Lupin, India), Clopitec (Gokul, India), Clopitro (Generica, Turkey), Clopivas (Cipla Medpro, South Africa), Clopivid (Hovid, Malaysia), Clopix (Norameda, Lithuania; Saiph, Tunisia), Cloplad (Alliance, Pakistan), Cloplat (OEP Phils, Philippines; IPCA, India), Cloplatic (Celsius, Uruguay), Clopra (Drogsan, Turkey), Cloprez (RPG, India), Cloriocard (Sandoz GmbH, Greece), Clotrombix (Novartis, Chile), Clovax (Bosch, Philippines), Clovelen (Costakis Tsisios, Cyprus; Elpen, Greece), Cloven (Philadelphia Pharma, Tunisia), Clovex (Joswe Medical, Lebanon), Clovix (Abio, Malaysia; Acme, Philippines; Medical Pharmaquality, Greece), Clovvix (CCPC, Taiwan), Copegrel (Aristopharma, Vietnam), Copidrel (Landson, Indonesia), Copigrel (Teriak, Tunisia), Copil (Johnlee, India), Cordix (Adamed, Georgia), Corplet (Pasteur, Philippines), Corrente (Pharmactive, Turkey), CPG (Kalbe, Indonesia), Cugrel (Cubit, India), Cuore (Sigma Pharma Nature's Plus Farm. Ltda., Brazil), Danir (Craveri, Argentina), Dapixol (Naturalia, Greece), Darxa (Help, Greece), Dasogrel-S (S.J.A., Greece), Declot (Efroze, Pakistan), Deplatt (Torrent, India), Deviplat (Novag, Mexico), Diclop (Rafarm, Greece), Diloxol (Bilim, Turkey), Diporel (Münir Sahin, Turkey), Dogrel (Macheal Lab, Philippines), Egitromb 75 mg (Egis, Hungary), Eurogrel (Eurolab, Chile; Saval, Ecuador; Saval, Peru), Expansia (Novartis, Ecuador), Globel (Bennett Pharmaceuticals, Cyprus), Glopenel (Olainfarm, Lithuania), Grelet (Intra, India), Greligen (Stragen Nordic, Greece), Grelix (Swiss & North, Ecuador), Grepid (Pharmathen, Cyprus; Pharmathen, Greece; Pharmathen, Lebanon; Pharmathen, Poland), Heclom (Delorbis Pharmaceuticals, Cyprus), Hogel (Apotecarium, Colombia), Idequil (Medochemie, Greece), Idiavix (Spi Int, Egypt), Inhiplaq (Cientifica V.S., Paraguay), Insigrel (Hexpharm Jaya, Indonesia), Iscover (Sanofi-Aventis, Poland; Sanofi-Aventis SA, Greece), Kafidogran (Krka, Croatia (Hrvatska)), Kaldera (Centrafarm, Bulgaria; Eurogenerics, Bulgaria; Generosan, Bulgaria; Hameln, Bulgaria; Lamp, Bulgaria; PharmaCoDane, Bulgaria; Stada Arzneimittel, Bulgaria; Stada Arzneimittel, Bulgaria), Kardogrel 75 mg (Pharma-Regist, Hungary), Karum (Sanovel, Turkey), Kerberan 75 mg (PharmaSwiss, Hungary), Klepisal (Alchemia, Poland), Klogrel (Pharmanova, Serbia), Klopide (Ultramed, Philippines), Klopidogrel Actavis (Actavis Group, Slovenia), Klopidogrel Generics (Generics, Slovenia), Klopidogrel Mylan (Mylan, Slovenia), Klopidogrel ReplekFarm (Replek, Macedonia), Klopidogrel Teva (Teva Pharma, Slovenia), Klopis (Actavis, Turkey), Klov (Zee Lab, India), Larvin (Pharmex, Greece), Linfenol (Sherfarma, Peru), Lirta (Alkaloid, Russian Federation), Lofradyk (Galex, Lithuania), Lopigrel (Medley, Brazil), Lopigrol (World Medicine, Georgia), Maxises (Amson, Pakistan), Micro-Cape (Microsules Arg, Argentina), Miflexin (Ratiopharm, Lithuania), Mogrel (Mission Vivacare, Lebanon), Monrex (Montpellier, Argentina), Myogrel (Adwia, Egypt; Macleods Pharm, Peru), Nabratin (Asofarma, Costa Rica; Asofarma, Guatemala; Asofarma, Honduras; Asofarma, Nicaragua; Asofarma, Panama; Asofarma, El), (Salvador; Tecnofarma, Peru), Nafamedil (Atlantic Pharma, Vietnam), Nefazan (Phoenix, Lebanon; Phoenix, Paraguay; Phoenix, Uruguay), Nivenol (Polfa Warszawa, Poland), Noklot (Zydus, India), Noplaq (Alkem, India), Novigrel (Novendia, Greece), Novogrel (Quimfa, Peru), Nugrel (Micro Synapse, India), Opirel (ARIS, Turkey), Optigrel (Optipharm, Greece), Orawis (Merck, India), Panagrel (Panalab, Peru), Paqueta (Supera RX, Brazil), Pedovex (Tabuk, Lebanon; Tabuk, Tunisia), Pedovex 75mg (Tabuk Pharmaceutical, Oman), Pegorel (S-Lab, Poland), Pidgrel (Q Check, India), Pidogrel (Medis, Tunisia; Novophar, Uruguay), Pidogrel-N (Nordic, Peru), Pidovix (Lapi Laboratories, Indonesia), Pingel (Zentiva, Turkey), Placard (Edvantis Medica, Greece), Placta (Actavis, Indonesia), Pladogrel (Pratapa Nirmala/Fahrenheit, Indonesia), Plagerine (Micro Carsyon, India), Plagrel (Dar-Essaydali, Tunisia; Rowe, Uruguay; Sandoz, Brazil), Plagrel 75 mg (APX Hungary, Hungary), Plagril (Dr. Reddy's, India; Dr. Reddy's, Peru; Dr. Reddy's Laboratories, Vietnam), Planor (Koçak, Turkey), Plaq (Eurofarma, Brazil), Plaquevix (EMS, Brazil), Plarel (Sapiens Pharmaceuticals, Cyprus), Plasiver (Medochemie, Greece), Plataca (Sidus, Argentina), Platec (Ethica Industri Farmasi, Indonesia), Platel (Actavis, Bulgaria; Faran SA, Greece; Medochemie, Bulgaria; Medochemie, Cyprus; Medochemie, Lithuania), Platfree (Medley, India), Platfrin (Medley, India), Platil (Pharma International, Lebanon), Platil 75mg (Pharma International, Oman), Platloc (Unichem, India), Platogrix (Sanofi-Aventis, Indonesia), Platrel (Novartis, Bangladesh), Plavedamol (Eva, Egypt), Plavega (Neutec Inhaler, Turkey), Plaveryl (Torres, Peru), Plavicard (4a, Egypt), Plavictonal (Western, Egypt), Plavidol (Grandi, Turkey), Plavidosa (Specifar, Greece), Plavihex (Pasteur, Philippines), Plavix (Bristol-Myers Squibb, Taiwan; Farmagon, Norway; Sanofi, Tunisia; Sanofi Aventis, Chile; Sanofi Aventis, Tunisia; Sanofi Clir SNC, Cyprus; Sanofi Clir SNC, Iceland; Sanofi Winthrop, Lebanon; Sanofi/Bristol-Myers Squibb, Greece; Sanofi-Aventis, Argentina; Sanofi-Aventis, Egypt; Sanofi-Aventis, Indonesia; Sanofi-Aventis, Peru; Sanofi-Aventis, Philippines; Sanofi-Aventis, Portugal; Sanofi-Aventis, Thailand; Sanofi-Aventis, Turkey; Sanofi-Aventis, Uruguay;), (Sanofi-Aventis, Venezuela; Sanofi-Aventis, Vietnam; Sanofi-Aventis Farmaceutica, Brazil), Plavix 300mg (Sanofi-Aventis, Oman), Plavix 75mg (Sanofi-Aventis, Oman), Plavogrel (Alet Pharmaceuticals, Greece), Plavos (Soho, Indonesia), Pleyar (Casasco, Argentina), Ploveks (Liva Ilac, Turkey), PMS-Clopidogrel (Pharmascience, Canada), Pregrel (Chong Kun Dang, South Korea), Psygrel (Psycorem, India), Ravalgen (Medicamenta Ecuatoriana, Ecuador; Tecnofarma, Chile), Retaq (Landsteiner, Mexico), Rinclo (Yarindo Farmatama, Indonesia), Sarovex (Tabuk, Poland), Shinclop (Shinpoong Daewoo Pharma, Vietnam), Sigmagrel (Sigma, Egypt), Simclovix (Simex, Indonesia), Sintiplex (Opsonin Pharma, Vietnam), Stroka (Apex, Egypt), Stromix (AHPL, India), Sudroc (Krka, Lithuania), Sutrim (Metabolica Sx, Paraguay), Synetra (Alkaloid, Macedonia; Alkaloid, Serbia), Tansix (Minerva, Greece), Tessyron (Gedeon Richter, Lithuania), Therodel (Sanbe, Indonesia), Thinrin (Biocon, India), Throimper (Venifar Ltd, Greece), Thrombifree (UBI, Taiwan), Thrombo (Eipico, Egypt; Eipico, Lebanon), Tingreks (Grindeks, Lithuania), Torpido (Mesmer, India), Torplatt (Torrent, India), Triurol (Biosintex, Argentina), Trogran (Glenmark, Lithuania; Glenmark, Romania; Synoptis Pharma, Poland), Troken (Bago, Lebanon; Bagó, Ecuador), Trombex (Zentiva, Lithuania; Zentiva, Latvia; Zentiva, Poland), Trombex 75 mg (Zentiva, Hungary), Tromborel (Edge Pharma, Georgia), Unplaque (Vianex, Greece), Vaclo (Dexa Medica, Indonesia; Dexa Medica, Myanmar), Vasocor (Qualipharm, Peru), Vasolen (Melcon, Brazil), Vatoud (Alvogen, Poland; Germed Pharma, Italy; IWA, Lithuania), Venicil (Unipharm, Guatemala; Unipharm, Honduras; Unipharm, Nicaragua; Unipharm, El Salvador), Vivelon (Xeno, Philippines), Xydrel (Actavis, Lebanon), Zakogrel (Pharmazac SA, Greece), Zeter (Kopran, India), Zygrel 75mg (OPP, Oman), Zylagren (Krka, Poland), Zyllt (Krka, Poland; Krka, Slovenia; Krka Farma, Georgia), Agrelan (Centrum, Spain), Carder (Gap, Greece), Carlopid (EON Pharmatek, Philippines), Clogrelhexal 75 mg (Hexal Pharma, Austria), Clopacin (Acino, Georgia), Clopi-Denk (Artesan, Georgia), Clopidexcel 75 (Dexcel, Israel), Clopidogrel (Actavis UK, United Kingdom), Clopidogrel +pharma 75 mg (+pharma Arzneimittel, Austria), Clopidogrel AbZ (AbZ-Pharma, Germany), Clopidogrel Acino (Acino, Germany; Acino, Lithuania), Clopidogrel Acino 75mg (Acino Pharma, Switzerland), Clopidogrel Actavis(Actavis, Denmark; Actavis, Lithuania; Actavis, Latvia; Actavis, Norway; Actavis, Portugal; Actavis, Sweden; Actavis, Italy, Italy; Medis Pharma, Australia; Mepha Pharma, Switzerland), Clopidogrel Actavis 75 mg (Actavis Group, Austria), Clopidogrel AL (Aliud, Czech Republic; Aliud Pharma, Germany; Specifar, Bulgaria; Stada Arzneimittel, Bulgaria), Clopidogrel Alirom (Alter, Portugal), Clopidogrel Aliud (Aliud, Sweden), Clopidogrel Almus (Almus, France), Clopidogrel Alter (Alter, Spain; Alter, France; Alter, Portugal), Clopidogrel Amneal (Amneal Pharma, Australia), Clopidogrel Apotex (Apotex, Belgium; Apotex, Estonia; Apotex, Spain; Apotex, Sweden), Clopidogrel Arrow Generiques (Arrow, France), Clopidogrel Arrow Lab (Arrow, France), Clopidogrel Atral (Atral, Portugal), Clopidogrel Aurobindo (Aurobindo, Portugal), Clopidogrel Axapharm 75mg (Axapharm, Switzerland), Clopidogrel Blocel (Confar, Portugal), Clopidogrel Bluefish (Bluefish Pharmaceuticals, Poland), Clopidogrel Bluepharma (Bluepharma, Portugal), Clopidogrel Bouchara-Recordati (Bouchara-Recordati, France), Clopidogrel CF (Centrafarm, Netherlands), Clopidogrel Cristers (CristerS, France), Clopidogrel Denk (Denk, Germany), Clopidogrel EG (EG Labo, France; Eurogenerics, Belgium), Clopidogrel Eurogenerics (Eurogenerics, Luxembourg), Clopidogrel Evolugen (Evolupharm, France), Clopidogrel Genericon 75 mg (Genericon Pharma, Austria), Clopidogrel Generis Phar (Generis Phar, Portugal), Clopidogrel Genoptim (Synoptis Pharma, Poland), Clopidogrel GH (Generic Health, Australia), Clopidogrel GP (GP, Portugal), Clopidogrel Hennig 75mg (Hennig Arzneimittel, Germany), Clopidogrel HEXAL (Acino, Lithuania), Clopidogrel Isomed (Teva Santé, France), Clopidogrel Kern Pharma (Kern Pharma, Spain), Clopidogrel Krka (Krka, Lithuania; Krka, Latvia), Clopidogrel Mylan (Mylan, Netherlands), Clopidogrel Normon (Normon, Spain), Clopidogrel PharmaCoDane (PharmaCoDane, Sweden), Clopidogrel Pharmakern (Pharmakern, Portugal), Clopidogrel PUREN (PUREN Pharma, Germany), Clopidogrel Ranbaxy Pharmacie Generiques (Ranbaxy, France), Clopidogrel ratiopharm (Archie Samuel, Lithuania; Ratiopharm, Spain; ratiopharm, Germany), Clopidogrel ratiopharm 75 mg (ratiopharm Arzneimittel, Austria), Clopidogrel ratiopharm GmbH (Archie Samuel, Estonia; Teva, Sweden), Clopidogrel Sandoz (Acino, Lithuania; Sandoz España, Spain), Clopidogrel Sandoz 75mg (Sandoz, Austria; Sandoz, Switzerland), Clopidogrel Sanoswiss (SanoSwiss, Estonia; SanoSwiss UAB, Latvia), Clopidogrel Specifar (Pensa Pharma, Spain), Clopidogrel Spirig HC 75mg (Spirig HealthCare, Switzerland), Clopidogrel Stada (Stada, Portugal), Clopidogrel STADA (Stada Arzneimittel, Germany), Clopidogrel Streuli 75mg (Streuli Pharma, Switzerland), Clopidogrel TAD (TAD, Lithuania), Clopidogrel Viso (Viso Farmaceutica, Spain), Clopidogrel-Actavis (Actavis Deutschland, Germany), clopidogrel-biomo (biomo pharma, Germany), Clopidogrel-CT (AbZ-Pharma, Germany), Clopidogrel-Hormosan (Hormosan Pharma, Germany), Clopidogrel-Q (Juta, Germany), Clopidolut (mibe, Germany), Clopidolut 75mg (Hasan-Dermapharma, Vietnam), Clopidrax 75mg (Drossapharm, Switzerland), Clopirod (Specifar, Lithuania), Cloplate (Win Medica, Greece), Cloroden (Torrent Pharma, Romania), Clovix (Medis Pharma, Australia), Defrozyp (Pharmathen, Romania), Dogrel SaVi (SaVi Pharmaceutical Joint Stoc, Vietnam), Freeclo (Actavis International, Vietnam), Globel (Bennett SA, Greece), Glopenel (Pharmanel, Greece; Pharmathen, Bulgaria; Pharmathen, Estonia), Grepid (Beacon Pharmaceuticals, United Kingdom; Normon, Spain; Orifarm, Sweden; Orifarm Generics, Denmark; Pharmathen, Estonia; Pharmathen, Iceland; Pharmathen, Lithuania; Pharmathen, Netherlands; Pharmathen, Romania), Heart-Free (Special Medicines M.I.K.E., Greece), Jamp Clopidogrel (Jamp Pharma, Canada), Klopidogrel Genera (Genera, Croatia (Hrvatska)), Klopidogrel Pharma S (PharmaS, Croatia (Hrvatska)), Nofardom (Norameda, Lithuania), Notrom (Eticos, Paraguay), PlaquEx (Tchaikapharma, Bulgaria), Plavidosa (Specifar, Malta), Plidogrel (Arrow Pharmaceuticals, Australia), Pravidel (Decomed, Portugal), Provic (Kwang Dong, South Korea), Sanvix (Anfarm, Greece), Teva-Clopidogrel (Teva Canada, Canada), Vasogrel (GE Healthcare, Georgia), Vatoud (Alter, Spain; Pharmathen, Bulgaria; Pharmathen, Macedonia), Clopidogrel (Consilient Health, United Kingdom; Sandoz, United Kingdom), Clopidogrel 1A Pharma 75 mg (1A Pharma, Austria), Clopidogrel HCS (Teva, Spain; Teva, Sweden; Teva Eesti, Estonia), Clopidogrel hydrochlorid - 1 A Pharma (1 A Pharma, Germany), Clopidogrel hydrochlorid HEXAL (Hexal, Germany), Clopidogrel Kaissan (Sandoz, Portugal), Clopidogrel Krka (KRKA, Denmark; KRKA, Estonia; KRKA, France; KRKA, Portugal; KRKA, Sweden; KRKA, Slovakia; KRKA Belgium, Belgium;), (KRKA Farmaceutica, Spain; Krka, d.d., Novo mesto, Iceland), Clopidogrel Krka 75 mg (Krka Tovarna Zdravil, Austria), Clopidogrel Krka d.d. (Krka, Estonia), Clopidogrel Mylan (Gerard, Ireland; Mylan, Belgium; Mylan, Denmark; Mylan, Spain; Mylan, France; Mylan, Norway; Mylan, Portugal; (Mylan,Sweden; Mylan, Slovakia; Mylan dura, Lithuania; Mylan Healthcare, Estonia; Mylan, Czech Republic; Mylan, Poland), Clopidogrel Mylan-75 (Mylan, Luxembourg), Clopidogrel Qualimed (Qualimed, Lithuania), Clopidogrel Sandoz (Sandoz, Belgium; Sandoz, Germany; Sandoz, France; Sandoz, Netherlands), Clopidogrel Sandoz 75mg (Sandoz, Luxembourg), Clopidogrel TAD (KRKA, Sweden; TAD, Germany; TAD, Estonia; TAD, Portugal), Clopidogrel Teva (Teva, Lithuania; Teva Pharma Belgium, Belgium), Clopidogrel Teva Generics B.V. (Teva, Sweden), Clopidogrel Teva Pharma (Teva, Germany), Clopidogrel-Mepha 75mg (Mepha Pharma, Switzerland), Cloriocard (Sandoz, Denmark; Sandoz, Sweden), Trombex (Zentiva, Estonia), Zopya (Norpharm Regulatory Services, Romania), ACT Clopidogrel (Actavis Pharma, Canada), Actaclo (Pascual, Philippines), Actimed Clopidogrel (Akums Drug, Philippines), Agregal (Obolenskoe, Russian Federation), Agregex (Actavis Group, Malta; Actavis Group, Poland), Agreplat (Instituto Sanitas, Chile), Anclog (Square, Bangladesh), Angiclod (Pliva, Bosnia & Herzegowina; Pliva Hrvatska, Macedonia; Teva, Macedonia), Anplat (RAK, Bangladesh), Antiplar (Emcure Pharma, Philippines), Antiplet (Rangs, Bangladesh), Aplate (Pharmacare, Pakistan; Pharmacare, Pakistan), Apo-Clopidogrel (Apotex, Australia; Apotex, Canada; Apotex, New Zealand), Apolets (Apotex, Thailand), Areplex (Adamed, Poland), Artheogrel (Bal Pharma, Philippines), Atelit (Abbott, Colombia), Ateplax (Procaps, Colombia), Atheros (Apotex, Philippines), Athorel (Aristopharma, Bangladesh), Auro-Clopidogrel (Auro Pharma, Canada), Avancur (S V More, Philippines), Bigrel (SRS Pharmaceuticals PVT LTD, Myanmar), Bissulfato De Clopidogrel (Aché, Brazil; Actavis, Brazil; Aurobindo Pharma Industria Farmaceutica, Brazil; Biosintética, Brazil; Cimed, Industria de Medicamentos, Brazil; Eurofarma, Brazil; Genéric.Legrand, Brazil; GeoLab, Brazil; Medley, Brazil; Neo), (Química, Brazil; Nova Química Farmacêutica, Brazil; Novartis, Brazil; Ranbaxy, Brazil), Blodegrel (Pharmanel, Greece), Blooms the Chemist Clopidogrel (Apotex, Australia), Cardogrel (Lek, Bosnia & Herzegowina; SANDOZ, Philippines), Ceruvin (Ranbaxy, Thailand), Chemmart Clopidogrel (Apotex, Australia), Class (Stallion Labs, Philippines), Clavix (Ferroza, Pakistan; Techno Drugs, Bangladesh), Clentel (Pharma Investi de Chile, Chile), Clobis (Genome, Pakistan), Clocardio (Target Pharma, Greece), Clodrel (Baliarda, Argentina), Clognil (Orion, Bangladesh), Clogrel (Pharmatec, Pakistan; Yuhan, South Korea), Clont (Opsonin, Bangladesh), Clood (Trima, Israel), Clopadel (Adelco, Greece), Clopeg (Askari, Pakistan), Clopeno (Alkaloid, Georgia), Clopez (Alkaloid, Bulgaria), Clopi (Dong Wha, South Korea), Clopid (Drug International, Bangladesh), Clopida (XL Lab, Philippines), Clopidix (Lek-AM, Poland), Clopido (Platinum, Pakistan; Platinum Pharma, Philippines), Clopidogrel (Accord Healthcare, United Kingdom; Aurobindo Pharma - Milpharm, United Kingdom; Daiko Seiyaku, Japan; Daito, Japan; Elmed Eisai, Japan; Fujifilm Pharma, Japan; Kobayashi Pharmaceutical, Japan; Kotobuki Seiyaku, Japan; Kowa, Souyaku, Japan; Kyorin Rimedio, Japan; Kyowa Yakuhin, Japan; Leti, Venezuela; Mochida Pharmaceutical, (Japan;), Mylan Seiyaku, Japan; Nichi-Iko Sanofi, Japan; Nihon Generic, Japan; Nihon Yakuhin, Japan; Nippon), (Chemiphar, Japan; Nipro, Japan; Nisshin Pharmaceutical, Japan; Nitto Medic, Japan; Sandoz, Japan; Sawai Seiyaku, Japan; Shiono Kemikaru, Japan; Takata Pharmaceutical, Japan; Takeda Teva Pharma, Japan; Tanabe Mitsubishi Pharma,Japan; Tatsumi Yakuhin, Japan; Towa Yakuhin, Japan; Yoshindo, Japan; Zensei Yakuhin, Japan; ASKA Seiyaku Asuka, Japan; Tsuruhara Seiyaku Pharmaceutical, Japan), Clopidogrel Aba (Farmoz, Portugal), Clopidogrel Abbott (Mylan, France), Clopidogrel Accord (Accord Healthcare, Denmark; Accord Healthcare, Estonia; Accord Healthcare, Malta; Accord Healthcare, Netherlands;), (Accord Healthcare, Norway; Accord Healthcare, Sweden), Clopidogrel Accord 75 mg (Accord Healthcare, Austria), Clopidogrel Actavis (Actavis, Bulgaria; Actavis, Czech Republic; Actavis, Hong Kong; Actavis, Macedonia; Actavis, Romania; Actavis, Slovakia; Actavis Baltics Eesti, Estonia; Arrow Pharm, Bulgaria), Clopidogrel Actavis 75 mg (Actavis, Hungary), Clopidogrel Adapes (Pentafarma, Portugal), Clopidogrel Almus (Almus, Spain; Almus, Portugal), Clopidogrel Amneal (Amneal Deutschland, Germany; Amneal Nordic, Denmark; Amneal Nordic, Sweden), Clopidogrel AN (Amneal Pharma, Australia), Clopidogrel Aurobindo (Aurobindo, Germany; Aurobindo, Romania; Orion Pharma, Sweden; Aurobindo, Netherlands), Clopidogrel Aurovitas (Generis, Portugal), Clopidogrel axcount (Axcount, Germany), Clopidogrel Azevedos (Azevedos, Portugal), Clopidogrel Balplak (Baldacci, Portugal), Clopidogrel Basi (Basi, Portugal), Clopidogrel Basics (Basics, Germany), Clopidogrel BGR (BIOGARAN, Estonia; BIOGARAN, France; BIOGARAN, Sweden), Clopidogrel Cereflow (Mepha, Portugal), Clopidogrel Cinfa (Cinfa, Portugal), Clopidogrel Cinfamed (Cinfa, Spain), Clopidogrel Esseti (Esseti Farmaceutici, Spain), Clopidogrel Farmandina (Farmandina, Guatemala), Clopidogrel Farmoz (Farmoz, Portugal), Clopidogrel GSK (GlaxoSmithKline, Poland), Clopidogrel Ilyang (Ilyang, South Korea), Clopidogrel Jaba (Jaba, Portugal), Clopidogrel Korhispana (Korhispana, Spain), Clopidogrel Krival (KRKA, Portugal), Clopidogrel La Santé (La Santé, Colombia; La Santé, Costa Rica; La Santé, Dominican Republic; La Santé, Honduras; La Santé, Nicaragua; (La), Santé, Panama; La Santé, El Salvador), Clopidogrel Labesfal (Labesfal, Portugal), Clopidogrel Mabo (Mabo, Spain), Clopidogrel Macleods (Macleods Pharma, Germany), Clopidogrel MK (MK, Colombia), Clopidogrel Pensa (ToLife, Portugal), Clopidogrel Pentafarma (Pentafarma, Portugal), Clopidogrel Pharma Combix (Combix, Spain), Clopidogrel Pro Doc (Pro Doc, Canada), Clopidogrel Qualigen (Qualigen, Spain), Clopidogrel Ranbaxy (Ranbaxy, Romania), Clopidogrel ratiopharm (Teva, Sweden; Teva Eesti, Estonia), Clopidogrel RBX (Ranbaxy, Australia), Clopidogrel Refta (Ratiopharm, Portugal), Clopidogrel Richet (Richet, Argentina), Clopidogrel Sandoz (Sandoz, Australia; Sandoz, Hong Kong; Sandoz, Thailand), Clopidogrel Sanis Health (Sanis Health, Canada), Clopidogrel Sciecure (Sciecure Pharma, United Kingdom), Clopidogrel Sivem (Sivem Pharmaceuticals, Canada), Clopidogrel Splendris (Splendris Pharmaceuticals, Sweden), Clopidogrel Stada (STADA, Spain), Clopidogrel STADA (STADA, Netherlands; STADA Nordic, Sweden), Clopidogrel Tarbis (Tarbis, Spain), Clopidogrel Tecnigen (Tecnimede, Spain), Clopidogrel Terapia (Terapia, Romania), Clopidogrel Teva (Teva, Denmark; Teva, Israel; Teva, Sweden; Teva, Slovakia; Teva Eesti, Estonia; Teva Pharma, Portugal; Teva Santé, France), Clopidogrel toLife (ToLife, Portugal), Clopidogrel Trafar (Tetrafarma, Portugal), Clopidogrel Winthrop (Sanofi-Aventis, Australia; Zentiva, United Kingdom), Clopidogrel Zentiva (Sanofi, Sweden; Sanofi Belgium, Belgium; Sanofi-aventis, Estonia; Sanofi-aventis, Spain; Zentiva, United Kingdom;), (Zentiva Pharma, Germany), Clopidogrel Zentiva 75mg (Helvepharm, Switzerland), Clopidogrel ZF (Zydus, France), Clopidogrel, Bissulfato de EMS), EMS, Brazil), Clopidogrel, Bissulfato de Gen.Germed), (((Genéric.Germed, Brazil), Clopidogrel, Bissulfato de Sandoz), Sandoz, Brazil), Clopidogrel-Nano (GMP, Georgia), Clopidogrelum 123ratio (123ratio, Poland), Clopidogrel-Winthrop (Winthrop, South Africa), Clopidol (Alco, Bangladesh), Clopido-M (Ambica, Philippines), Clopidra (Interphil, Philippines), Clopidro (Pearl, Pakistan), Clopidrogel Zentiva (Sanofi-Aventis, France), Clopidrol (Jackson Pharma, Philippines), Clopigal (Galenika, Bosnia & Herzegowina; Galenika, Macedonia; Galenika AD, Serbia), Clopigel (Pacific, Bangladesh), Clopigen (Cherwel, Pakistan), Clopilet (Sun, Bangladesh; Sun Pharma, Myanmar), Clopimed (Medchem International, Philippines), Clopimet (Metro Pharma, Philippines), Clopin (Aché, Brazil), Clopirel (Novo Healthcare, Bangladesh), Clopisan (Sandoz, Indonesia), Clopistad (STADA, Hong Kong), Clopivas (Cipla, Hong Kong), Clopivax (Ethical, Pakistan), Clopivaz (InnoGen, Philippines), Clopivid (Hovid, Hong Kong), Clopix (Medhaus, Philippines), Clopizim (ZIM, Georgia), Cloprez (Medic+Aid, Philippines), Clorel (ACI, Bangladesh), Clotigen (Sydenham, Philippines), Clotinil (NovaMed, Pakistan; Rephco, Bangladesh), Clotix (Ferron, Indonesia), Clotiz (Chira, Philippines), Clotnil (Barrett Hodgson, Pakistan), Clovas (Solvang, Philippines), Cloxidil (Bryon, Pakistan), Cocard (Helix, Pakistan), Copalex (Sinil Pharmaceutical Co Ltd., Hong Kong), Copedina(Adamed Pharma, Vietnam), Cotol (Everest, Taiwan), Cupid (Beste Pharma, Pakistan), Curovix (Medica Korea, South Korea), Dclot (Acme, Bangladesh), Degregan (Liomont, Mexico), Demogrel (Demo, Greece), Denovex (Norma Hellas, Greece), Deplat (Nabiqasim, Pakistan; Shiteh Organic, Taiwan), Deplatt (Torrent, Philippines; Torrent, Romania), Deplug (Atco, Pakistan), Diloxol (Bilim, Georgia), Dilutix (Ali Raif Ilac Sanaii, Georgia), Disclot (Valor, Pakistan), Dogrel (Schazoo, Pakistan), DOM-Clopidogrel (Dominion Pharmacal, Canada), Doploc (Duncan, Philippines), Dorel (General Pharma, Bangladesh), Dorell (Stallion Labs, Philippines), Drugmaker's Clopidogrel (Drugmaker's Laboratoires Inc, Philippines), Duopidogrel (CCM Duopharma Biotech, Malaysia), Eago (Orient Europharma, Taiwan), Egitromb (Egis, Bulgaria; Egis, Lithuania; Egis, Russian Federation; Egis, Slovakia; Egis Pharmaceuticals, Poland; Egis), (Pharmaceuticals, Romania), Everclo (Everest, Pakistan), Explat (Indus, Pakistan), Farcet (Farmal, Croatia (Hrvatska)), Flexiflow (Wilshire, Pakistan), Flucogrel (Senosiain, Mexico), Fluxx (Zada, Bosnia & Herzegowina), Free (Nipa, Bangladesh), Global Pharmatrade Clopidogrel (Zhejiang Ruixin, Philippines), Hemaflow (Hovid, Philippines), Hivix (Phil Shin Poong, Philippines), Hyvix (Shin Poong, South Korea), Iscodil (Lyofin, Greece), Iscover (Bristol-Myers Squibb, Mexico; Sanofi, Sweden; Sanofi Pasteur SA, Netherlands; Sanofi-Aventis, Australia;), (Sanofi-Aventis, Estonia; Sanofi-Aventis, Spain; Sanofi-Aventis, Lithuania; Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland, Germany), Iskimil(Royal Pharma, Chile), Isroen (Heremco MEPE, Greece), Karum-Sanovel (Sanovel, Georgia), Klogan (Sanovel, Macedonia), Klopi (Kusum, Philippines), Klopidex (Belupo, Croatia (Hrvatska); Belupo, Macedonia; Farmavita, Bosnia & Herzegowina), Klopidocsan (Tedec-Meiji, Georgia), Klopidogrel (Replek Farm, Bosnia & Herzegowina), Kogrel (Sandoz, Croatia (Hrvatska); Sandoz, Malaysia), Kumplat (Adamjee, Pakistan), Lirel (Silva Pharmaceuticals, Bangladesh), Livocard (White Horse, Bangladesh), Loclog (Efroze, Pakistan), Locril (Macter, Pakistan), Lodigrel (Egis, Georgia), Lodovax (Glomed Pharmaceutical Company, Vietnam), Lofradyk (Adamed, Poland), Lopigrol(Abdi Ibrahim, Georgia; Rompharm, Georgia), Lopirel(Actavis, Georgia; Actavis, Russian Federation; Incepta, Bangladesh; Incepta, Hong Kong), Lowplat (PharmEvo, Pakistan), Lyvelsa (Bayer, Colombia), Maboclop (Mabo, Spain), Mar-Clopidogrel (Marcan Pharmaceuticals, Canada), Medigrel (Promed Rahardjo, Indonesia), Mint-Clopidogrel (Mint Pharmaceuticals, Canada), Mistro (Dr Reddys Laboratories, South Africa), Mylan-Clopidogrel (Mylan Pharmaceuticals, Canada), Myungmoon Clopidogrel (Myungmoon, South Korea), Nabratin (Asofarma de Mexico, Mexico; Raffo, Argentina), Nadenel (Geminis Farmac., Argentina), Navorel (Akums Drug, Philippines), Nefazan (Phoenix, Argentina), Niclot (Rasco, Pakistan), Noclog (Eskayef, Bangladesh), Nofardom (Adamed, Poland), Nogrel (Marksans Pharma, Philippines), Noklot (Zydus Cadila, Myanmar; Zydus Cadila, Philippines), Norplat (Getz Pharma, Philippines), Oddoral (Lesvi, Georgia), Odrel (Beximco, Bangladesh), Pharex Clopidogrel (Pascual, Philippines), Pharma Dynamics Clopidogrel (Pharma Dynamics, South Africa), Piax (Alphapharm, Australia), Piclokare (Etex, Chile), Pidogrel (Novophar, Paraguay), Pigrel (Jadran, Bosnia & Herzegowina; Jadran Galenski, Croatia (Hrvatska)), Pilgrel (Jeil, South Korea), Placta (Actavis, Singapore), Pladel (Phapros, Indonesia), Pladex (Unimed & Unihealth, Bangladesh), Plagerine (Micro Labs, Myanmar), Plagrel (Kukje, South Korea), Plagril (Dr Reddy's Lab, Myanmar; Dr. Reddy's, Russian Federation), Plagrin (Renata, Bangladesh), Plamed (Korean Drug, South Korea), Platel (Medochemie, Romania; Medopharm, Czech Republic), Platelex (Farma Iberica, Philippines), Platexan (Apotex, Philippines), Platless (Samjin, South Korea), Plavicor 75 (Pharmacor, Australia), Plavigrel (Paill, El Salvador), Plavitor (Dong-A, South Korea), Plavix (BB Farma, France; Bristol-Myers Squibb, Hong Kong; Inter Trade Pharma, France; Mediwin, France; Navana, (Bangladesh;), Pharma Lab, France; Sanofi, Denmark; Sanofi, Dominican Republic; Sanofi, United Kingdom; Sanofi, Guatemala; Sanofi, Ireland; Sanofi, Japan; Sanofi, Panama; Sanofi, Sweden; Sanofi Aventis, China; Sanofi Belgium, Belgium; Sanofi Clir SNC, Norway; Sanofi Franta, Romania; Sanofi Oy, Finland; Sanofi Pharma BMS, Lithuania; Sanofi), (Pharma Bristol-Myers Squibb, Poland; Sanofi Winthrop, Macedonia; Sanofi Winthrop, Serbia; Sanofi-Aventis, (Australia;), Sanofi-Aventis, Bosnia & Herzegowina; Sanofi-Aventis, Canada; Sanofi-Aventis, Colombia; (Sanofi-Aventis, Ecuador; Sanofi-Aventis, Estonia; Sanofi-Aventis, Spain; Sanofi-Aventis, France; Sanofi-Aventis, Hong Kong; Sanofi-Aventis, Honduras; Sanofi-Aventis, Croatia (Hrvatska); Sanofi-Aventis, Italy; Sanofi-Aventis Latvia; Sanofi-Aventis, Mexico; Sanofi-Aventis, Malaysia; Sanofi-Aventis, Nicaragua; Sanofi-Aventis, Netherlands;), (Sanofi-Aventis, Paraguay; Sanofi-Aventis, El Salvador; Sanofi-Aventis, United States; Sanofi-Aventis, South (Africa;), Sanofi-Aventis Group, Russian Federation), Plavix 300mg (Sanofi Belgium, Luxembourg; Sanofi Israel, Israel; Sanofi Pharma Bristol Myers Squibb Snc, Austria; (Sanofi-Aventis, Switzerland; Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland, Germany), Plavix 75mg (Emra-Med Arzneimittel, Austria; Eurim-Pharm, Austria; Haemato Pharm, Austria; Sanofi Belgium, Luxembourg; Sanofi), Clir SNC, Hungary; Sanofi Israel, Israel; Sanofi Pharma Bristol Myers Squibb Snc, Austria; Sanofi-Aventis, Switzerland; Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland, Germany), Plavocorin (Sandoz, Czech Republic; Sandoz, Lithuania; Sandoz, Poland), Plogrel (LRI-Therapharma, Philippines; Oxford Laboratories, Russian Federation), Plvix (Korea Prime Pharm, South Korea), Q.O.L (Ilsung, South Korea), RAN-Clopidogrel (Ranbaxy Pharmaceuticals Canada, Canada), Ravalgen (FA.PA.SA., Paraguay), Replet (Healthcare, Bangladesh), Respekt (Hemofarm, Bosnia & Herzegowina), Ridlor (Mega Lifesciences, Myanmar), RiteMED Clarithromycin (RiteMED, Philippines), Riva-Clopidogrel (Laboratoire Riva, Canada), Sandoz Clopidogrel (Sandoz, Canada), Sanofi Pasteur Clopidogrel (Sanofi-Aventis, Philippines), Stazex (GMP, Georgia), Synetra (Alkaloid, Bosnia & Herzegowina), Talcom (Salubris Pharmaceuticals, China), Terry White Chemists Clopidogrel (Apotex, Australia), Tessyron (Gedeon Richter, Georgia; Gedeon Richter, Romania), Timiflo (Macheal Lab, Philippines), Tingreks (Cemelog-BRS, Bulgaria), Troken (Bago, Argentina; Lab Bago, Malaysia), Trombex (Zentiva, Bulgaria; Zentiva, Czech Republic; Zentiva, Romania; Zentiva, Slovakia), Trombix (Standard Chem, Philippines), Unigrel (SRS Pharmaceuticals PVT LTD, Myanmar), Vixam (Polfarmex, Poland), Ximara (Temis Lostalo, Argentina), Zyllt (Krka, Bosnia & Herzegowina; Krka, Czech Republic; Krka, Estonia; Krka, Croatia (Hrvatska); Krka, Lithuania; Krka, Latvia; Krka, Macedonia; Krka, Romania; Krka, Serbia; Krka, Sweden; Krka, Slovakia; KRKA Belgium, Netherlands; (KRKA), Farmaceutica, Spain; Krka Pharma, Russian Federation), Zyllt 75 mg (Krka, Hungary), Pidogul (Hanmi, South Korea)[2]


Клопідогрель («ДНЦЛЗ» Харків/Дніпропетровськ, Україна)[джерело?], Clopidogrel, SR 25990, SR 25990 C, Clopidogrel Besilate, Clopidogrel Hydrochloride, Clopidogrel hydrochloride, Clopidogrel Bisulfate, Clopidogrel Hydrogen Sulfate (Clopidogrel hydrogen sulfate), Clopidogrel Sulfate, UNII-08179HTP27, Clopidogrel hydrogénosulfate de, Clopidogrel Hydrogen Sulfate, Clopidogrelhydrogensulfat, Clopidogreli hydrogensulfas, Clopidogrel Napadisilate Hydrate[2]


sogrel-A [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (AS Pharmaceutical, India), Aspril [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Candid, Pakistan),Clopidex-A [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Systemic, India),Clopil-A [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Johnlee, India), Clopirad-A [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Indoco, India), Clopitab-A [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Lupin, India), Clouds [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Bestochem, India), Coplavix [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid](Sanofi-Aventis, Malaysia), Co-Plavix [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Sanofi, Dominican Republic; Sanofi-Aventis, Costa Rica; Sanofi-Aventis, Honduras; Sanofi-Aventis, Nicaragua),Cugrel-A [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Cubit, India), Deplatt-A [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Torrent, India), DuoCover [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Sanofi Clir SNC, Greece), DuoPlavin [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Sanofi Clir SNC, Cyprus; Sanofi Clir SNC, Greece; Sanofi Pharma BMS, Lithuania; Sanofi Winthrop, Serbia;), (Sanofi-Aventis, Italy; Sanofi-Aventis, Latvia; Sanofi-Aventis, Vietnam; Sanofi-Aventis Groupe, Slovenia),Ecosprin-C [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (USV, India), Klogel-A [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Neutec Inhaler, Turkey), Myogrel-AP [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Macleods, India), Noklot Plus [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Zydus, India), Notrom Plus [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Eticos, Paraguay), Nugrel Plus [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Micro Synapse, India), Plagerine-A [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Micro Carsyon, India), Plagril-A [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Dr. Reddy's, India), Platloc AS [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Unichem, India), Stromix-A [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (AHPL, India), Synplatt [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (FDC, India), Torplatt A [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Torrent, India), Vivosprin [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Medreich, India), Anclog Plus [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Square, Bangladesh), Apo-Clopidogrel/Aspirin [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Apotex, Australia), Aspin-Plus [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Aristopharma, Bangladesh), Atelit Duo [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Abbott, Colombia), Chemmart Clopidogrel/Aspirin [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Apotex, Australia), Clas [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Delta, Bangladesh), Clognil Plus [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Orion, Bangladesh), Clontas [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Opsonin, Bangladesh), Clopid-AS [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Drug International, Bangladesh),), Clopidogrel/Aspirin Actavis 75/100 [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid]? Clopidol Plus [+ Salicylic Acid] Clopirin [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Jeil, South Korea), (Alco, Bangladesh), (Actavis Australia, Australia), Clopidogrel/Aspirin Sandoz 75/100 [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Sandoz, Australia), Clopigel Plus [+ Salicylic Acid] (Pacific, Bangladesh), Clorel-A [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (ACI, Bangladesh), Combiplat [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Beacon, Bangladesh), Complavin [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Sanofi, Japan), Dorel Plus [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (General Pharma, Bangladesh), Ecosprin Plus [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Acme, Bangladesh),Grelet-A [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Intra, India), Klopidogreel/Atsetüülsalitsüülhape Zentiva [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Sanofi-aventis, Estonia), Livocard Plus [+ Salicylic Acid] (White Horse, Bangladesh), Loplate Plus [+ Salicylic Acid] (Kemiko, Bangladesh), Noclog Plus [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Eskayef, Bangladesh), Norplat-S [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Getz Pharma, Philippines), Odrel Plus [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Beximco, Bangladesh), Pidogul A [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Hanmi, South Korea), Pigaspin [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Ratnamani Healthcare, Georgia), Pladex-A [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Unimed & Unihealth, Bangladesh), Plagrin Plus [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Renata, Bangladesh), Plavix Plus [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Navana, Bangladesh), Reogrel [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Mepro, Georgia), Replet Plus [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Healthcare, Bangladesh), Terry White Chemists Clopidogrel/Aspirin [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Apotex, Australia), Thrombosprin [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Sun, India),Dospin [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Ajanta, India), Clopidogrel + Ácido Acetilsalicílico Zentiva [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Sanofi-Aventis, Portugal), Lopirel Plus [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Incepta, Bangladesh), Piax Plus Aspirin [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Medis Pharma, Australia), Clopidogrel/Acetylsalicylic Acid Zentiva [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Sanofi, Sweden),Coplavix [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Sanofi Aventis, Chile; Sanofi-Aventis, Australia; Sanofi-Aventis, Hong Kong; Sanofi-Aventis, Philippines;), (Sanofi-Aventis, Thailand; Sanofi-Aventis Group, Russian Federation), CoPLAVIX 75/100 [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Sanofi-Aventis, Argentina),Clopidogrel HEXAL plus ASS [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Hexal, Germany), Clopidogrel Winthrop Plus Aspirin [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Sanofi-Aventis, Australia), DuoCover [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Sanofi-Aventis, Australia; Sanofi-Aventis, Spain), Clopidogrel/Acetylsalicylic acid Teva [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Teva, Lithuania; Teva Pharmaceuticals, Poland), Clopidogrel/Acetylsalicylic Acid Zentiva [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Sanofi-Aventis, Lithuania; Sanofi-Aventis, Poland), Clopidogrel/Acetylsalicylzuur Billev [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Billev, Netherlands), Clopidogrel/Acido Acetilsalicilico Billev [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Billev, Spain), DuoPlavin [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid](Sanofi, Ireland; Sanofi, Sweden; Sanofi Pharma Bristol-Myers Squibb, Poland; Sanofi Winthrop, Macedonia;), (Sanofi-Aventis, Bosnia & Herzegowina; Sanofi-Aventis, Czech Republic; Sanofi-Aventis, Estonia; Sanofi-Aventis,), (Spain; Sanofi-Aventis, France; Sanofi-Aventis, Croatia (Hrvatska); Sanofi-Aventis, Netherlands; Sanofi-Aventis,), (Portugal; Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland, Germany), DuoPlavin 75mg/100mg [+ Acetilsalicylic Acid] (Sanofi-Aventis, Switzerland), DuoPlidogrel [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Sanofi-Aventis, Australia), Anlet Plus [+ Salicylic Acid] (Globe, Bangladesh), Clavixin Duo [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Korea United Pharm, Georgia), Lirel Plus [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Silva Pharmaceuticals, Bangladesh), Cenoza-A [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Aamorb, India), Clasprin [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Biocon, India), Antiban-ASP [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Blue Cross, India), Cargrel-A [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Olcare Laboratories, India), Carpigrel-A [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Shrrishti HC, India), Cidogrel-A [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (KAPL, India), Class-A [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Talent, India), Clinga-A [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Curis, India), Clodrel Forte [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Unichem, India),Clodrel Plus [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Unichem, India), Clofre AS [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (East West, India), Clopid-AS [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (Hetero, India), Clopigrel-A [+ Acetylsalicylic Acid] (USV, India)[2]


  2. Clopidogrel. drugs.com. Процитовано 8 травня 2021.


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